"I don't really know what's going on, I just show up," he said with a smile as he climbed onto the block, preparing himself for the race ahead.
This wonderful sentence came out of one of my swimmer's mouths this morning at our swim meet. And so I began thinking. How often do we all feel that we need to know EVERYTHING in order to do ANYTHING? For example...
"I can't work in the nursery - I don't even have kids yet."
"I can't write a book - I don't have a degree in English or Journalism."
"I can't teach Sunday School - I'm not a teacher."
"I can't sing/play in the praise band - I haven't had music lessons."
"I can't help with the youth group - my kids aren't teenagers yet, I don't know how to connect with them."
Seriously? We don't have to know everything (or even ANYTHING) about what it is that we are led to do. Like my swimmer understands (at least partially), God isn't going to not use us just because we don't know everything. He just wants us to show up and let Him work through us.
If I was too afraid of going to Uganda just because I don't know things, I'd never go. Let's re-cap everything I don't know that has to do with going to Uganda:
1. the language
2. BABIES (I'm going to use the "I don't have any yet" excuse here...)
3. how to board a plan (seriously, I should've paid more attention on those mission trips...)
4. how to make my own food (most of what I eat is prepackaged and frozen)
5. how to do my laundry in the sink (I did this in Dominican...I might remember?)
6. how to live without electricity for long periods of time as often happens there (longest time without power: 8 days)
So, yeah, it's scary leaping into the unknown and having to fully trust that God is going to take care of you. But it's so worth it! I think I'm ready to try just showing up and letting God do the rest. Because, seriously, what am I going to do that God can't do better?
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