Sunday, August 26, 2012

This is her story...

   She stands on the street corner just outside of the small town. Her clothes reveal who she is, what she does, to those passing by. 

They think I'm worthless...nothing...worse than dirt. In their eyes, the world would be a better place without me in it. 

   She is glad that the dark veil hides her face so that they cannot see who she really is. They can glare at her and they can judge her, but really they don't know her true identity. 

If only they knew...

   She is young in years on earth but old in life experience. She's been in love, been married twice; both times her husband has died.  

God must be punishing me.

   A man approaches her and she knows what he wants. 

That's why I'm service men like this. 

   He tells her that he has no cash on him at the moment, but is sure that they can come to a compromise. She knows she has no choice. 

He'll just take what he wants without paying me if I don't agree.

   They barter for a few minutes and finally agree on the terms of service. He hands her his expensive watch and chain necklace for her to keep until he returns with his payment, and she takes him to a room. He seems eager for this exchange and it sickens her to think about. 
If only he knew...

   And then it's all over and the man is gone and she is left all alone in the world, surviving only by selling what she has...the only thing that she has to offer. 

He never even realized...

   A few months pass and she finds out that she's pregnant. 

What am I going to do?

   She's scared and alone and doesn't know who to turn to. And then it gets worse. Word gets around town that she is the prostitute that has been spending time on that street corner - her identity is revealed and her reputation is completely ruined. 

Oh, the judgment...the condescending looks...the degrading remarks made in passing...

   And one day, she is arrested and taken to prison for the solicitation of commercial sex - as if it's all her fault. Nevermind the men who have been with her countless times. Nevermind the man who has gotten her pregnant. Nevermind the circumstances that have forced her into that situation: selling her body just to get by. Nevermind the fact that both of her husbands have died and she is still in immense pain and confusion because of that. Nevermind the fact that her family kicked her out because her husbands died, which has only reinforced her fear of abandonment. 

Nevermind... Because she is the guilty one.   

If only they knew...

   The day of her trial comes and there are people all around her, surrounding her, who are condemning her because of what she has done. She looks around at the crowd and she recognizes man after man who have bought what she's been selling.

How do they sit there and judge me when they've done something just as wrong?

   And then her eyes come to rest upon one particular man and she is filled with hate and disgust and contempt. He is the one who got her pregnant. 

He doesn't even know...

   And she vows to never allow him to hurt her again, no matter what, as she stares with complete and utter hatred at her father-in-law. 

   Despite my changing a few details...this is the story of Tamar from Genesis 38. My eyes were opened to this story that I'd never heard of (or at least never really paid attention to) while reading From Congress to the Brothel by Linda Smith, founder of Shared Hope International. She relates Tamar's story with the stories of thousands of others around the world and, in fact, right here in America. 

   I'd like to point out that yes, this isn't just happening in India or Cambodia; it isn't just happening in L.A. or Las Vegas (although it's certainly happening in all of these places). It's happening here in Pickaway County. In Ashville. In Circleville. 

   There are girls being sold for sex as if they were objects simply to be used for mens' pleasure. There are girls fighting to survive and, in order to do so, must sell their bodies to meet their basic human needs such as food, shelter, etc. 

   These girls are not the criminals. They do not intentionally corrupt our community. They do what they do as a result of the already corrupted community...because they know that they can survive by doing it. Sometimes pimps keep them scared and brainwashed to the point that they will never even think about leaving because they know what the consequence will be. Sometimes their circumstances lead them to this situation and they know that they will die if they don't find a way to make money. Sometimes it's a desperate act. But it's still slavery...they are still trapped by something that they cannot control. 

   And that is the heart-breaking truth of our society today.

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